Clinical Conversations with Dr. Juan Barriga

Coming Soon!

This bilingual podcast (Conversaciones Clinícas en español) is hosted by Dr. Juan Barriga, a licensed clinical psychologist, who firmly believes that knowledge is power!

The goal of this podcast is to educate listeners on mental health-related topics in a way that is easily accessible and understandable for them. We want to normalize mental health, so listeners are empowered to take quality care of themselves and their communities in mind, body, and spirit. As the African proverb goes, “It takes a village to raise a child.”

Guest experts who are invited to the podcast are rich and diverse in: age, disability (developmental and/or acquired later in life), race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, spiritual identity, indigenous heritage, national origin, gender expression, socioeconomic status, educational background, native language, and more!

We want to teach listeners working in healthcare how to best provide patient-centered care, especially when they are serving historically marginalized and culturally diverse populations.

Guests will also share their own, unique academic and professional experiences for listeners who are interested in pursuing a career in the guests’ respective fields.

The podcast will soon be available in video format on YouTube and in audio format on Spotify!

You can follow the podcast on Instagram!